The ABCares Cup
This award is presented to an ABC Member company for helping make a difference in their community by giving of their time, talents and treasures, to have a positive impact in the First State. The award is based on participation not only in ABCares events throughout the year, but also for the company participating in community service activities with their own company employees and sharing the activity on social media using #ABCaresAlways.

ABC Dinner 11-21-2024 Credit photograph by Eric Crossan 302-378-1700
MySherpa is the winner of the 2024 ABCares Cup. This award is presented to an ABC member company for helping make a difference in their community by giving of their time, talents and treasures. The award is based on participation not only in ABCares events throughout the year, but also for the company’s participation in community service activities with their own employees.
This year MySherpa employees ABCares events including Rock Your Socks, attack addiction 5K, serving a meal at the Ronald McDonald House, spring clean-up at Exceptional Care for Children, the summer Veteran’s Picnic at the VA Hospital, the Colonial School District hygiene drive, Vet Fest and the annual Holiday Toy Drive.
As a company, its employees were involved in a number of activities including Brandywine Hundred Flags for Heroes, Campout for Coats, RMH Telethon, SODE Reindeer Run, CIRC food drive, St. Michael’s Nursery 9 Holes Anywhere, Red Clay Valley Cleanup, DSA Run for the Buds, Broad Street Run, Conquer Chiari Golf Sponsorship, and Hole Lotta Fun for the DE Children’s Museum.
MySherpa and its employees genuinely embody the spirit of making a positive difference in their community and enhancing the quality of life in the First State.
Accepting the Award is Greg Gurev.