ABC Chapter Awards Night
DuPont Country Club 1001 Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE, United StatesEmployee Performance Management/Evaluation
Ferguson Training Room, 32325 Lewes-Georgetown Highway, Lewes, De 32325 Lewes- Georgetown Highway, Lewes, DelawareGolf Outing – Peninsula
The Peninsula 32981 Peninsula Esplande, Millsboro, DE, United States2022 Focus on Women in Leadership ABC Delaware Women Only Event
Fraizer's Restaurant 9 E. Lockerman Street, Dover, DE, United StatesStephanie Schmidt 2022 Chair of the Board of Directors Poole Anderson Construction Stephanie Schmidt, president of Poole Anderson Construction, State College, Pennsylvania, is chair of the board of directors of Associated Builders and Contractors. She served as secretary in 2020 and Northeast* Region vice chair from 2016 to 2020. She is also a past chair and […]
Leadership and Teams
ABC Delaware Classroom 31 Blevins Drive Suite B, new castle, DEThis course will include the following: Understanding Organizational culture and climate Human behavior models Change management Performance management Counseling/coaching Appraisals/corrective action Time management High performing teams Planning Decision making
Delaware Apprenticeship and DE Contractors Registry Update
ABC Delaware Classroom/Online 31 Blevins Drive Suite B, New Castle, DE, United StatesStatewide Paid Family & Medical Leave Seminar
ABC Delaware Classroom/Online 31 Blevins Drive Suite B, New Castle, DE, United StatesTopics Include: Summary of the bill How the bill is intended to work Questions to be answered Preparing your business for PFMLA